
I am a passionate and driven software developer with a deep love for technology and a knack for crafting exceptional web applications that make a lasting impact. With a strong command of JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Redux, and MongoDB, I possess the technical skills necessary to turn your ideas into reality.
Throughout my internships, I have successfully tackled diverse projects, ranging from developing innovative subscription models to seamlessly integrating payment gateways and implementing robust authentication systems. These experiences have sharpened my problem-solving abilities and fueled my desire to create solutions that drive business growth and deliver exceptional user experiences.
Don't just take my word for it; explore my portfolio, where you'll discover exciting projects such as a dynamic URL shortening platform and an exhilarating multiplayer game that connects players worldwide in real-time battles.
I pride myself not only on my technical prowess, but also on my collaborative nature, dedication to continuous learning, and drive to stay ahead of industry trends. Let's connect on LinkedIn and explore how I can leverage my skills to contribute to the success of your team. Together, we can build something truly extraordinary.













vInnovate Technologies | Product Engineer Intern
September 2023 - Present
- Developing a website for a New York law firm specializing in road accidents.
- Reduced paperwork through efficient document generation processes.
- Implemented over 100 REST APIs for seamless backend communication.
- Established a real-time notification system using Socket.io.
- Implemented role-based access control for diverse user experiences.

Upraised | Software Developer Intern
March 2023 - June 2023
- Developed a subscription model to increase revenue and customer retention.
- Integrated Stripe Payment Gateway for streamlined online payments.
- Built secure authentication system using Firebase.
- Designed and implemented REST APIs for client-server communication

Altruism Labs | Web Developer
May 2022 - August 2022
- Worked on Control Room Monitoring system which is used for monitoring live data of devices.
- Implemented function to check updation in database using mongoDB change stream.
- Sending Real time data from server to client using Socket.io.
- Developing IoT based applications based on NodeJS integrating MongoDB.
- ReactJS with binding data to HTML and CSS designed web pages.